All we have is little cedar store.

Oh, hi there!

If you're reading this, you've found me and my latest crazy idea- so thank you for stopping by. I'm not really sure if I've completely lost my mind, or somewhat found my soul, so for now, let's just say that little cedar store has me somewhere in the middle. For years now, I have toyed with the idea of a bottle shop, but would always dismiss the thought, telling myself I wouldn't have what it takes- I still don't know anything about wine, I definitely know nothing about running a retail store, let alone starting one from scratch, only the "big boys" can build bottle shops, maybe one day I'll sell the bar and the new owners can open one, yadda, yadda, yadda....Why are we always so quick to doubt ourselves and our capabilities?

Then one day, about a year ago, I was at my bar, cutting up some calamari while listening to a podcast on the link between drinking almond milk and being an overachiever, when I started thinking about whether or not there are some sort of deep sea motivational podcasts that squids listen to, that are hosted by squids who have studied squid psychology. It was in that moment that I made the decision to switch to oat milk, and to believe in myself enough to embark on adventure number two of good food, good drinks and good times.

So here we are. You, me and little cedar store. This could turn out to be the best thing I've ever done, or quite possibly, the dumbest. I honestly don't know which way it'll go, but I sure hope you'll come along with me, so we can find out together.

Big love, Mali x



    Shop 10 / 31 Glenora St

    Wynnum, Queensland, 4178


    Ph 0416 160 244



    Thursday to Saturday- Midday 'til 6pm
    Sunday- Midday 'til 4pm

    Outside above days & times- 0416 160 244